
How To Remove Genital Skin Tag

Skin tags are too known as acrochordons. They are harmless growths that usually announced on skin folds and affect almost 25% of the population. All the same, some people may experience genital skin tags and find them bothersome. If you are wondering whether genital skin tags are as harmless as regular pare tags, this article attempts to clear your doubts. Read on to empathise more than about them and treatment options.

What Is A Genital Skin Tag?

A genital skin tag is the same every bit a regular peel tag. Simply considering it appears on your genital area, it is called as such. Genital skin tags are harmless and do not cause you any pain unless you pull or pinch them. They may cause you some irritation and itching if you keep rubbing them.

In men, tags on genitals are found on the scrotum and in very rare cases on the penis (two). And in women, genital peel tags are found near the pubic region, vulva, and labia majora. These tags are generally ii-5mm in size and are harmless (3).

In the next section, let us look at some of the symptoms of genital skin tags.

Symptoms Of Genital Skin Tags

Genital pare tags accept the aforementioned symptoms as regular peel tags.

  • They announced as a tiny bump on the peel that is soft to touch.
  • Over a period of fourth dimension, it grows into a flesh-colored piece of skin attached to the surface of the skin by a stalk.
  • You tin can develop claret clots and a painful sensation if you twist the stem of the skin tag (4).

Now that you've understood the symptoms of genital skin tags, yous are probable to exist more careful with them. In the next section, allow united states of america look at some of the causes of genital skin tags.

What Causes Genital Skin Tags To Appear?

There are no definite reasons equally to what causes pare tags to announced. Researchers suspect that when clusters of collagen and claret get trapped inside a slice of pare, pare tags appear. They too tend to appear commonly in areas where your skin folds, like your armpits, under your cervix, and genital areas (4).

Genital skin tags may as well announced if you are suffering from obesity or diabetes. In some cases, genital skin tags may too appear due to genetic conditions (4), (5).

At present let'south run into genital skin tags are diagnosed.

How Are Genital Skin Tags Diagnosed?

If you notice whatever sort of bumps or anything out of the ordinary in your genital surface area, yous should consult your doc. Women tin consult their OBGYN and men can consult their general dr..

During your consultation, the md will ask a few questions regarding your sexual history and sexual activity. This is to help in determining if it's a genital skin tag, an STD, or a potential risk factor.

In one case you accept answered these questions, you will be asked to change into a infirmary gown and the doctor examines the crash-land. If it is a harmless skin tag, y'all won't require further tests and you lot volition be given an option for its removal.

When diagnosing vaginal skin tags, your dr. will perform a pelvic test. During the test, they may collect cultures of the tissue to understand if other factors are causing this growth.

Afterwards your diagnosis is complete, you are given the pick to remove your genital pare tag. The next section explains the different procedures that you can choose from.

What Are The Treatment Options Available For Genital Skin Tags?

Genital skin tags are harmless and don't cause you any problem. Withal, some people may want to remove them because of aesthetic reasons. Sometimes they may at times interfere during sexual intercourse and may cause skin irritation. People with peel tags may cull to remove them for cosmetic reasons.

There are 4 procedures that you can choose from to remove genital peel tags.

i. Cryotherapy

This is a non-invasive process where the medico uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the genital skin tag. It generally falls off on its ain within a week.

2. Cauterization

In this procedure, the doctor burns the genital skin tag and it drops off later a couple of treatments.

3. Ligation

A surgical thread is tied to the genital skin tag to cutting off blood flow, causing it to gradually fall off.

iv. Excision

In this process, the physician uses a surgical pocketknife to cut the skin tag. A local anesthetic is applied if the tag is also big.

Are you wondering if genital pare tags can be prevented? Let the states find out in the next department.

How To Forbid Genital Skin Tags?

Unfortunately, you lot cannot prevent genital peel tags every bit the reason for their advent is not fully known. Some studies have suggested that being obese or diabetic tin cause genital peel tags to appear (iv). You can notwithstanding minimize the chances of their advent by following a few of these tips.

  • Avoid wearing tight-plumbing fixtures clothes and undergarments.
  • Practise regularly for 30 minutes to keep your weight in cheque
  • Avert sugary foods.

It is important to empathise that following these tips may help in minimizing the chances, but, there is no scientific evidence to dorsum these up.

In the adjacent section, we will see how you may be able to get rid of genital skin tags.

How To Go Rid Of Genital Pare Tags?

To remove peel tags near the genital region, people try many over-the-counter medications and home remedies that are not recommended by doctors. Household ingredients like Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and iodine are some of the items known to be used at dwelling for skin tags. However, it's always recommended to not cocky-treat such conditions and seek medical assistance for a safer and easier arroyo.

In conclusion, pare tags and genital skin tags are the same – they are beneficial lesions and are non a skin disease. The reason for their occurrence is not clearly known just some studies suggest that collagen and blood vessels being trapped in the skin may be the cause. Although you cannot prevent genital skin tags, if left alone, they cause no harm. Rubbing them and twisting them may cause irritation and even bleeding. You can remove them permanently with the help of a md.

Frequently Asked Questions

How practise you get rid of genital skin tags naturally?

There are a few habitation remedies like using tea tree oil, baking soda, and apple tree cider vinegar to weaken the genital skin tag, but these are not recommended by doctors.

How long do skin tags final?

Pare tags can terminal till yous remove them. They do not go away on their own.

Can you cutting off skin tags yourself?

No, yous must non cut off skin tags yourself equally it may pb to tissue damage and infections.

Practice peel tags bleed when picked?

Picking them can cause them to drain and crawling. It is dangerous and you may cease upwardly hurting yourself.

Why practise I suddenly have genital skin tags?

There is no clear reason as to why they appear. It could exist due to the clothes rubbing confronting your skin, obesity, or diabetes (five).

How practise you get rid of male genital skin tags?

You can get rid of them by undergoing any of these 4 procedures: cryotherapy, cauterization, ligation, and excision

How do I know if it\'s a wart or peel tag?

Yous tin can differentiate between a pare tag and a wart by looking at their advent. Peel tags appear on the surface of the skin attached to a stalk. Warts on the other paw are moist and announced like tiny cauliflowers.

Key Takeaways

  • Genital pare tags are harmless and appear every bit a tiny bump on the pare. However, they may cause itching and irritation when you keep rubbing them.
  • They appear in areas where your pare folds, like armpits and the genital areas. These can be removed using cryotherapy, cauterization, ligation, and excision.
  • Withal, yous tin can minimize them by fugitive wearing tight-fitted clothes and limiting your intake of sugary foods.


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  1. Merely a pinch
  2. Normal Variants in Patients Consulted in The Dermatology Clinic For Lesions of The Male External Genitalia
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  3. Giant Skin Tag on The Labium Majorum
  4. Skin Tags (Acrochordon)
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  6. Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Backdrop

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Reevan holds a master'southward caste in mass communication and journalism and is a certified skincare omnibus. He is too a... more


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